Course: Oracle RDBMS for programmersORACLE-PROG

The course is available on demand.

Remote training: online live with a trainer and a group. Available on demand, at time and place convenient to you, for groups of at least 3 participants.

exempt from VAT

Price: 990 EUR

refreshments included

computer station included

Category: Databases and SQL

The course provides students with knowledge and skills to create, manage and programmatically control database on Oracle platform. Basing on relational database theory students get to know SQL language. They learn to create complex queries, design well structured databases, use indexes to improve performance. Students practice every subject in hands-on lab.

The course outline is similar to course BD 101 (Databases for programmers). This course is designed to Oracle platform. Great value of dedicated courses is that students get used to dedicated tools and learn specific SQL dialect.


3 days


  1. Introduction to relational databases
    • Understanding relations
    • Table, row, column
    • Key, primary key
    • Foreign key, references between tables
    • Relational terminology: selection, projection, join, natural join, theta join, equijoin, semijoin, antijoin, selfjoin
  2. Getting familiar with SQL Developer
  3. SQL language syntax
    • Writing simple query – SELECT closure
    • Using conditional functions and logic operators – CASE, DECODE, COALESCE, NVL, NVL2, IFNULL
    • Using functions and operators – time and date, text, math
    • Narrowing results – WHERE closure
    • Sorting results – ORDER BY closure
    • Using multiple tables – JOIN statement
    • Working with set of data – GROUP BY closure
    • Adding aggregates
    • Choosing sets – HAVING closure
    • Using sub-queries (inline view, single/multiple row subquery, correlated)
    • Combining multi-query results – UNION, UNION ALL, MINUS, INTERSECT
  4. Relational database theory
    • Dealing with anomalies
    • Understanding normal forms
  5. Designing database structure
    • How-to: designing techniques
    • Using database design notation
    • Best practices: design patterns for typical issues
  6. Creating database schema (DDL)
    • Understanding data types
    • Creating tables – CREATE TABLE
    • Understanding constraints
  7. Inserting, modifying and deleting data (DML, TCL)
    • Adding data – INSERT
    • Editing data – UPDATE
    • Removing data – DELETE
    • Creating sequences – CREATE SEQUENCE
    • Understanding transactions
  8. Using views
    • Creating views – CREATE VIEW
    • Understanding simple and complex view types

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Audience and prerequisites

The course is intended for novice and experienced Oracle users, who want to learn SQL language and touch some programming and performance issues. Especially we invite programmers and analysts having programming concerns.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Basic computer knowledge, such as keyboard and mouse skills.
  • Basic file-management skills. The student should know how to navigate to folders and files on a computer running Windows Vista / Windows 7.

No prior database experience is required.


Course participants receive completion certificates signed by ALX.

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