Course: UX DesignerLC-UX

The course is available on demand.

Remote training: online live with a trainer and a group. Available on demand, at time and place convenient to you, for groups of at least 6 participants.

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Price: 1090 EUR

ability to pay in 3 installments

percent icon first minute (30+ days before) - 3%

percent icon access to recordings if needed

shake hand icon For those interested, free workshops in HR

percent icon practical exercises and mini-projects

coffee cup icon refreshments included

desktop icon computer station included

UX basics bootcamp

From zero to UX Design hero.

  • Thematic scope:
    UX Design, digital product design, website design, web application design, usability research, planning and implementation, research scenarios, requirements analysis, in-depth interviews, qualitative analysis, conducting workshops with the client
  • Duration:
    64 hours of live classes
    + 32 hours of self-study using our learning
    materials = 96 hours in total.
  • Class modes:
    • at the weekend (Saturdays and Sundays, every 2 weeks on average)
    • daily (two 4-day blocks every 2 weeks)
  • Group:
    Stationary classes - max 12 people in the room.
    Remote courses - up to 17 people in total.
  • Recruitment:
    no requirements, course starts with complete basics
  • Place:
  • Flexibility:
    a) You can cancel up to 15 days before the start
    b) during classes you can:
    - switch from on-site to remote mode
    - switch from remote to on-site classes
    - receive a recording in case of unexpected events
    - suspend participation and continue later
    (depending on the availability of free spots)
  • Price:
    1 090 EUR
You can pay in 3 instalments - without any extra costs (check)
refreshments included
computer station included in the price

Our course is designed for people who want to become a UX designer and would like to learn how to design and research interactive solutions in a way that will allow them to achieve the goals of users and business. You don't need to have previous designing experience. We will teach you everything from scratch.

From zero to UX Designer hero. How to do it?

We will show you the whole path from collecting requirements, creating concepts, through preparing prototypes and their verification and cooperation with the team that is implementing your solution. You will learn all aspects related to the work of a UX Designer and create your first project under our supervision.

You will be able to become an independent UX Designer or a team member with all the skills needed for the job. You can further develop your career by specializing more in the design aspect, conducting research or analysis.

Bootcamp. How do we teach?

We teach by using the bootcamp method. The word "bootcamp" comes from the US Army and means extreme training which transforms recruits into proper soldiers - capable of fighting immediately. Programming bootcamps are intense, practice-oriented training programs. Students will spend many hours working hard. After finishing our bootcamp you are a junior programmer ready to go to work (but also to continue learning).

ALX Bootcamp
  • We focus on small groups and a relaxed atmosphere!

    We run our courses online or on-site in Warsaw, Poland or at your company. Throughout the whole course you work in a small group - just like in foreign language schools. This way you learn faster but you also prepare to work in a team - because a programmer does not work on a desert island - you need to be able to work in a team!

  • We focus on practice and contact with the trainer!

    No boring lectures - you only learn practical things with us - our course is more of a workshop than the lectures you know from a university. There is always a trainer with you who you can ask for help at any time. We know from experience that theory alone is never enough. To program professionally you need to have specific practical skills - then you become an attractive candidate on the job market.

Learning from home

The course is organized in daytime and extramural (weekend) modes. In both cases there is a break between the blocks of classes - a week or 2 weeks. The break is needed for individual study at home, consolidation of knowledge and practice. Your trainer will provide you with properly prepared materials for learning at home and tasks to which you must apply yourself. A large number of exercises will make you consolidate the acquired knowledge.

If you have a problem with the task - you can always contact your trainer.

Course program - what will you learn?

The program of the course was created by a team of experienced UX and UI analysts who have been working in the industry for many years. Our trainers are practitioners, they lead teams or conduct research commissioned by external companies. The course is divided into modules and designed so that you can learn from our specialists exactly what is needed in the job market. The course will give you a solid foundation that is necessary for everyone!

What will you learn?

Thinking like a designer

UX design combines knowledge from many fields - psychology, technology, and visual communication. One of the most important goals of the course is to teach participants to think like a UX designer. Adopting the user's point of view and properly defining problems is necessary for the subsequent effects of work to bring the desired value.

Working with people

Working with users of various technologies is crucial for UX - both from the perspective of discovering and addressing their needs, as well as validating our work with them as designers. The course contains the basics needed to develop soft skills such as assertiveness, active listening, and effective communication.

Designing user interfaces at multiple levels of detail

When looking for this course, you have surely come across divisions into UX, UI, IA - we will try to disenchant these concepts and show you what areas you will be responsible for as UX designers. We will design mainly for the web and mobile applications, but we will also try to show that using this approach and tools, you can design virtually any technology-based product. Thanks to the available templates and design systems, we will be able to create a product visualization that is very similar or fully reflects the appearance of the final product.

Creating prototypes

The continuing development of design tools makes it easier and easier to create realistic, interactive prototypes of user interfaces. The ability to create a good prototype allows you to check whether the product is useful even before it is implemented thanks to the work of programmers.

Working in a team/organization

The work of a UX designer requires communication with users but also daily cooperation with programmers, business representatives and analysts. Understanding the role of a UX designer in the wider context of technology companies, software houses and start-ups is crucial to properly fulfil your duties as a designer.

Course program - adapted to the job market

The program of the course is focused on preparing participants for their first independent project - from the discovery phase, through prototyping, to research with users. The main areas we will cover are:

  • UX design in the context of projects and cooperation with other IT specialists
  • designing and prototyping the user interface
  • user research, workshops and key skills needed to carry them out


Ukończenie kursu w szkole programowania ALX

After completing the course, you will receive a certificate signed by ALX with a detailed list of your acquired skills. Each certificate has a unique identifier and an electronic version (regardless of whether the paper version has also been ordered). If you wish, you can share your certificate by pasting its URL – for example to your profile on a social or professional network or into your CV.

Trainers - knowledge combined with practice

The trainer who will run this course is a lecturer and practitioner in one person. Our trainers come from the best Polish universities and have been carrying out projects for external companies, organizations, and public institutions for many years. They work in the profession on a daily basis, which gives them the opportunity to conduct ultra-interesting classes, filled with examples from real-life projects.

See what our UX course looks like

Recently, I taught UX Design to a group of very creative and committed people. Thank you for such fantastic work throughout the four sessions of our bootcamp :) And thank you to ALX for great cooperation. Next bootcamps await :)

Coach - Bartosz Smietanski

Zobacz jak wygląda nasz kurs UX

Is bootcamp a big expense?

Spread it out in installments at no additional cost.

Participation in the bootcamp is an important investment for many of our students. It is an investment in your skills and a chance to get your dream, well-paid job in the IT industry.

It is also a considerable expense!

We know this and that is why we offer convenient fees for our bootcamps in an installment system without any additional costs.

You pay only as much as the course costs.

How to pay for bootcamp in installments?

The process is very simple - you do not have to contact any bank, you do not need to undergo complex verifications, you only need an ID document - you handle everything with our company. Check it out >>


Read what our customers say about our work.

Ministerstwo Prawy i Polityki Społecznej

The training was conducted at a high technical and organizational level and the involvement of the organizers deserves high recognition.


The participants of the course highly rated the training program, teaching materials as well as the competences and commitment of the lecturers. (...) We recommend ALX as a partner guaranteeing the proper performance of the service.


We are very pleased with the organization of the training. All trainings and trainers received high marks in surveys from our employees.


The implementation of the training program was highly appreciated by the course participants. ALX can be recommended as a reliable business partner in the field of IT training, with a staff of lecturers with extensive experience.

Course programme

    • UX is a state of mind
    • Product integrity
    • Product desirability
    • Mental models
    • The Paradox of Specificity
    • Engineering Culture
    • Finding a design goal
    • UX and Agile
    • UX is a process
    • Research as a fundament of UX
    • Desktop and mobile – how to conduct research? • Defining the goal
    • What and when to test?
    • Testing tools – construction and practice • Project 1 – USABILITY TEST
    • Fundamentals of research analysis techniques
    • Affinity diagram
    • Customer Journey Map
    • Personas
    • Empathy map
    • Structure and navigation
    • Interactions – basics
    • Design principles
    • Introduction to design
    • Fundamentals of FIGMA and AXURE
    • Usability testing
    • Advanced research techniques
    • Depth interviews
    • Card sorting
    • A/B testing
    • Competitive benchmarking
    • Advanced techniques of data analysis • Project 3 – AFFINITY DIAGRAM
    • Project 4 – CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP
    • Information architecture
    • Anatomy of an interaction
    • Controls/Rules/Feedback
    • Wireframing
    • Principles and patterns
    • Affordances
    • Progressive disclosure
    • Different application types
    • App unbundling
    • Content
    • Display
    • Navigation and flow
    • Project 5 – USER’S FLOW
    • What are workflows?
    • Registration/Onboarding/Complex forms
    • Project 6 – INTERACTION DESIGN
    • About prototypes
    • Low/Medium/High fidelity
    • FIGMA and AXURE – how to make a good prototype
    • Annotations
    • Project 8 – ANNOTATIONS

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