Visual Basic for Applications

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language allows to achieve results in MS Office suite programs that are impossible to get in any other way, and to automate numerous repetitive tasks. Our VBA training will help anyone learn how to use it - not only IT specialists or programmers.

  • Certyfikat
  • Certyfikat
ALX Diamenty Forbes

2455 participants trained

Training: VBA

For public sessions, you can sign in yourself or delegate one or a few employees. The prices given in the tables are for sessions in our London training rooms, per one person.
On customer's request we conduct trainings in London, other locations in UK and anywhere in Europe, either at the customer's premises or in any other place, on either customer's hardware or ours. For on-demand training costs see here.

Long courses - on-site and online

Title Date Duration Price
MS Excel specialist



640 EUR

Short courses - on-site and online

Title / Code Date Duration

Price TooltipTriangle

Office applications
Excel Programming using VBA


On demand 5+ TooltipTriangle

2 days

320 EUR

Access Programming using VBA


On demand 3+ TooltipTriangle

3 days

490 EUR

Additional information

  • training prices given above are exempt from VAT
  • training prices given above are for our London site - for other locations, please contact us
  • training prices given above are valid for upfront payment at least 7 days before the beginning of the training, when you apply via our standard application form or sign a standard training contract. Payments for custom contracts and payments after the course are 5% higher.

What is included in the training fees?

All training fees for training conducted at our premises include:

  • our training materials
  • a certificate of training
  • snacks, coffee, tea and soft drinks available during the whole course
  • after the course, an opportunity for contacting the trainer/trainers once for advice and answers concerning the training material

Some training courses also include lunches; more information is available in the detailed course description.

See also

Excel Programming Using VBA

Macros and applications written in Visual Basic for Applications allows to achieve in Excel results that are impossible to get in any other way - including automation of tedious, repetetive tasks.
Training participants need not have any previous programming experience - all that is required is proficiency in Excel itself.

Read more

Access Programming using VBA

Participants in this training will familiarize themselves with the VBA language and discovers its applications in Access automation, designing own applications, creating functions and performing such operations on tables as cannot be "normally" performed.

Read more

See Also

We recommend the rest of our Microsoft Office training offer and, also, advanced SQL and database training courses, designed for both programmers and analysts.