Order form

LPI 101. An introduction to Linux administration LPI-101

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or list of participants, if more than one
Enter total number to confirm
If different than the participant, eg. the organizing person or parent in the case of underage participants.
In the case of groups, an email address of the contact person.
If different from above
Choosing the electronic invoice is equivalent to receiving the invoice only via e-mail (not on paper). Changing the form of receiving the invoice after generating the invoice implies surcharge of 24.00 EUR net.
Changing the form of the certificate after generating the invoice implies surcharge of 24.00 EUR net per person.
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  • I declare that I have read the terms and conditions, I fully understand them and accept them.
ALX Academy sp. z o.o., Jasna 14/16A, 00-041 Warsaw, Poland (EU) is the data controller of the personal information collected and processed through this form. The data will be used in the way that is necessary for fulfilling the order or processing the enquiry, according to the law of the European Parliamanent and European Council 2016/679. The person whose data is collected has the right to access the data, modify it, request to delete it, to limit its processing or to deny its further processing as well as the right to request to not transferring it. Providing the data is not mandatory, but is required to process the enquiry or order.

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Submitting the online order form is equivalent to making a preliminaryreservation, valid for 48 hours. To complete the order process andmake final reservation, please print this form (printable formwill be available at the next page, after you press "submit order"), sign it, scan it and send it back to us by e-mail, to forms@alx.training.