Category: C# and .NET
Advanced knowledge of .NET technology allows for creation of fast, secure and complex business applications with unlimited purposes. A good proof of that is the fact that a lot of such applications are currently written in .NET.
This course focuses on creation of applications based on Windows Forms. At the end this course participants will be able to create a whole CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) application using Windows Forms Library and a database.
Thousands of such applications are created by companies across the world.
4 days
- Day 1
- Introduction to Windows Forms
- Windows Forms Controls
- Event handling
- Application Debugging
- Day 2
- File handling
- Exception handling
- Creation of a program solving a given problem
- Day 3
- Database management fundamentals using Microsoft SQL Server
- SQL queries – Select, Insert, Update, Delete
- Library for communication with database
- Communication with database
- Day 4
- Creating CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) app using Windows Forms and Microsoft SQL Server
Audience and prerequisites
Knowledge of C# programming language is required.
Course participants receive completion certificates signed by ALX.